The inauguration ceremony of Foshan University of Science and Technology and Guangdong Foster Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. "off-campus practice teaching base for college students" was successfully held

2021-12-29 16:51:10 72

In order to further develop school-enterprise cooperation, make full use of the resource advantages of schools and enterprises, and cultivate application-oriented talents suitable for the needs of enterprises or industries, on December 2, the unveiling ceremony of Foshan University of Science and Technology "off-campus practice teaching base for college students" was held in Foster. Held. Deputy Dean Liu Jun and Deputy Dean Zhu Wenbo of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Automation of Foshan University of Science and Technology led the school teachers and others to attend the ceremony. Guangdong Foster General Manager Wang Fuli and all employees of our company participated in the unveiling ceremony.


In recent years, as the manufacturing market has gradually moved from the blue ocean to the red ocean, market competition has become increasingly fierce, constantly forcing companies to optimize costs, innovate management, and improve quality. How to further realize the superposition of the advantages of the industrial chain, accelerate the rapid turnover of projects, and complete the goal of "1+1>N" has become a new topic for the breakthrough and development of enterprises. The establishment of the off-campus practice teaching base for college students this time provides an effective answer precisely from the perspective of talented enterprises.FSTpipe



Before the unveiling ceremony, Vice President Liu Jun, Vice President Zhu Wenbo and the teachers, accompanied by the leaders, visited the working environment of Foster Company on the spot. Mr. Wang briefly introduced the company’s basic situation and development status, expounded the original intention and significance of establishing an "off-campus practice teaching base", as well as the company’s management and development plan for the construction of talent echelon, and hoped to use this unveiling ceremony as a new starting point to further accelerate Build a talent training system to serve the company's high-quality development.

At the unveiling ceremony, Deputy Dean Liu Jun said that the school will fully support the construction of the base, actively participate in various activities of the base, and jointly promote the orderly development of the base, and carry out all-round development in the fields of talent training, scientific research, and social services. Cooperation, give full play to their respective resources, and jointly cultivate high-quality talents in the industry.



FSTpipeWang Fuli, general manager of Foster Company, pointed out that through the launch of this base, pipeline companies can use school resources to join forces and jointly build a platform for full dialogue and exchanges between universities and enterprises, in terms of talent recruitment channels, training methods, etc. In order to improve the overall quality of management talents in pipeline enterprises, it actively absorbs high-quality talents from the school.

FSTpipeThis ceremony is an important testimony to the further strengthening of talent training and consolidation of cooperation and exchange between Foshan University of Science and Technology and Guangdong Foster. It is the goal of cooperation to cultivate more useful talents for the society. On the basis of cooperation, we will make full use of our respective advantages to make solid progress in personnel training, skills training, employment recommendation, etc., and jointly create professional characteristics and brands. In the future, with the continuous deepening of the strategic cooperation between the two parties, Foshan University of Science and Technology and Guangdong Foster will jointly seize the good opportunities for development, make greater contributions to school-enterprise cooperation, and write a new chapter in promoting joint construction!

About Foshan University of Science and Technology

FSTpipeFoshan University of Science and Technology is a full-time public general undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. It is a high-level university of science and technology in Guangdong Province with a history of more than 60 years, a master's degree granting authority, and a doctoral degree granting construction unit. . There are three campuses in Xianxi, Jiangwan and Hebin, with a total area of more than 2,200 acres and a total construction area of nearly 650,000 square meters. Strengthen the advantages and characteristics, and improve the overall level of discipline and professionalism; adhere to the strategy of strengthening the school with talents, and build a team of high-quality teachers; adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people and achieve remarkable results; adhere to industry-university-research cooperation to enhance scientific research and innovation strength; adhere to international schooling , Continuously improve the quality of running a school. 

Facing the future, the school adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and adheres to the unique development of "Universities + High-end Research Institutes + Leading Enterprises" in accordance with the school positioning of "based in Foshan, serving Guangdong, facing the country, and going to the world" Mode, speed up the construction of a high-level science and engineering university with outstanding advantages in science and engineering, distinctive application characteristics, and remarkable service effects.

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