Epidemic prevention and control |FSTpipe is in action

2021-05-31 15:18:03 108

In recent days, cases of COVID 19 with a foreign variant of the new coronavirus have occurred in Guangzhou and Foshan, which has aroused great public concern. 

But we don't need to worry too much. As long as we stay vigilant, take personal protection, actively respond to the country's call, 

take the initiative to cooperate with nucleic acid testing in our communities, and orderly make appointments for vaccinations, we believe we will surely win the battle against the epidemic!

In order to further strengthen the safety production and the prevention and control of the new covid-19 pneumonia epidemic in the recent period, 

on May 28, 2021, Guangdong Foster Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. held an epidemic prevention and control promotion meeting.


During the meeting, company leaders conveyed Foshan's work requirements and spirit on epidemic prevention and control, and announced the recent epidemic situation and prevention and control work plans. 

Concentrated on the knowledge of personal protection against the epidemic.


How to wear masks correctly, do not shake hands, wash hands frequently, ventilate the place of life, observe cough etiquette, maintain the "one-meter" social distance, maintain an optimistic attitude,

and prevent respiratory infectious diseases and other behaviors and habits have been emphasized and required. It also advocates that all employees "not go out unless necessary", 

and it is recommended to implement company-family "two points and one line" to reduce gatherings and dinners, and at the same time not publish, disseminate, or comment on unconfirmed news, and resolutely not believe or spread rumors.


Perform personal health inspections, conduct daily temperature measurement of personnel entering and leave the factory, and disinfect the ground and elevators. 

Stop receiving all visiting customers before June 5 to ensure that they will actively respond to the call of the country and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control.

New COVID-19 vaccination is the most direct and effective means to prevent, and control the new covid-19 pneumonia epidemic. 

In order to ensure the safety and health of the company's employees, and effectively establish a population immune barrier, 

the company has organized headquarters employees to go to designated locations for vaccination after the year. 

The vaccination completion rate has reached 85%, effectively preventing and controlling the new covid-19 pneumonia epidemic, and solidly establishing an immune barrier. 


On May 28, Chancheng issued a notice to carry out nucleic acid testing for the entire district. 

After receiving the notice, the company leaders immediately convened the company’s management to convene a management meeting and convened employees to conduct nucleic acid testing on time.


Even though the weather is hot, the employees went to the village committees and communities to wear masks in an orderly manner, waiting for testing.


Finally, we would like to thank the medical staff for their tireless efforts in nucleic acid testing day and night. You are the most beautiful guardians, and the people of Foshan thank you!


It is the responsibility of every citizen to do a good job in sanitation and epidemic prevention. 

FSTpipe has a unshirkable responsibility, and is also brave to assume social responsibilities, supports epidemic prevention, and strict epidemic prevention.

FSTpipe will fight with you! Come on, Foshan!


© Guangdong Foster Fluid Technology Co., LTD. All rights reserved


  • Time: Monday-Saturday 8:00-18:00
  • Hotline: +86 13421909014
  • Email: sales01@fst-pipe.net
  • Add:NO. 3, Huafu North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province 528000, China.